
Robin Williams mainstreamed the Latin phrase “carpe diem” i.e. “seize the day” and made it part of our everyday vocabulary. One of the worst movies ever morphed “carpe diem” into “seize the carp!” Somehow in our family “seize the carp” took hold and has became our rallying cry…to take the road less traveled, to suck the marrow out of life, to make the most of every adventure and live every day to the fullest. Since we moved west in 2001 – first to Flagstaff, Arizona, and now Durango, Colorado – we’ve used our homes as a base camp from which to seize the carp.

The genesis of this blog, however, took place long before Arizona or Colorado, and long before a family seemed even a remote possibility. At some point during the “Alaska phase” of my life, I had driven to the end of a road, hiked along a trail and looked up at a mountain ridge and wondered to myself, “Self, I wonder what I could see from way up there?” Curiosity is powerful, so I started climbing. Mountains being what they are, that first ridge gave way to another higher ridge, and another behind that, and so on until eventually the mountain ran out of ridges. From that high perch on that highest ridge I looked out on a universe of mountain ridges stretching to the horizon. Those endless ridges were attached to snow covered peaks, they separated valleys, and were home to glaciers and streams. It was a scene of such grandeur that my heart ached at the beauty of it. And there I sat, relaxing, enjoying the moment, and desperately trying to permanently implant a memory of that moment.

At some point during that perfect day the thought occurred to me – I was there alone. There was no one with whom to share that perfect moment. No photograph would have captured the awesome-ness of that view or the feeling of having found that special place. Any effort to describe the sights and feelings of that moment would inevitably fall flat.. ..at best they might elicit a polite, “Mmm, sounds nice.” 

Fast forward almost half a century. In the years since I have continued to seek out special places. The carp has been well and truly seized on countless other adventures. More often than not, in the company of my lovely bride – an amazing woman who also enjoys wandering down the “less traveled” road(s) and trails. We’ve been privileged to cross paths with an entertaining cast of characters we count as friends, wonderful folks who are always game for more “stupid fun.”

Part of my motivation for starting this blog, though, goes back to that mountain ridge. With technology not available back in the dark ages, in some small way, I hope to share some of those special moments with family and friends – and anyone who might be interested. I realize that pictures and descriptions are not the same as being “there”, but my hope is also that you are inspired to lace up your boots or running shoes, hop on a bike, grab a paddle, a climbing rope, skis – whatever – and seek out those special places yourself, or better yet, with a friend. This site then is meant to be both a celebration of this great adventure called life and an encouragement to get out and – Seize the Carp!

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9 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. I will be following your exploits and adventures. You’re an inspiration for us California folks in their 50’s that want to overpopulate your fine state!

  2. Nadine & Tobi

    Hey! we just read your latest blog entries. You made big progress. Not only covering huge distances and hills but becoming half european 😉 After exploring Georgia we were brainstorming where and how to continue our trip. As we didn’t fancy to go further east we came up with the most logical solution and booked a flight to the US. So here we are in the wet fog of San Francisco! The rough idea is to bike south along the coast. If you have any tips, advice or places to stay you would like to share, go ahead! Enjoy the rest of your cobblestone adventure!

  3. Steven Emrick

    Just talked to Suzanne. She shared some photos of are trip to Denali from Prudhoe Bay after working on the steel barge. It was a great adventure! Great to see you have made a great life continuing experiences with a wonderful partner.

  4. Suzanne

    I am beyond pleased that you are in Prudhoe again! It was the early 80’s when we met and worked at Sohio East Dock. Hiking, camping and meeting the Grizzly in the morning on the Teklanika River are memories I will never forget. Sharon must be a special woman to enjoy the adventurous life too. Keep spreading joy.

  5. Anonymous

    It’s Kirk from the JMT adventure. My wife and I will be down your way next Spring. Wondering if you would like to meet up…perhaps do a hike in the Grand Canyon? You can reach me via the email I posted.
    Hope all is well!

    1. Anonymous

      Hi Kale. Same here. We enjoyed our chat. We’ve met lots of great folks. We ended up having a long day, but made it to Laurens through some pretty fabulous country.

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