80 Years of Living Large

They told you life is hard
it’s misery from the start
it’s dull and slow and painful

I tell you life is sweet
in spite of the misery
there’s so much more
be grateful

-Natalie Merchant

Twenty-five plus years ago my Mother went through a painful divorce (philandering husband). Then she was diagnosed with cancer and endured all the attendant indignities of surgery and treatment. When she came out the far side of that dark tunnel, despite all the difficulties and hardships, her often expressed attitude was…and is, “Every day is a gift.” Now I will confess to not being entirely objective, but in the past 25+ years I have observed an individual who didn’t just say those words, she has lived it. This past weekend, with the help of sister Sandy and brother-in-law Blair (good job guys), I was able to sneak away from Flagstaff and into her basement in northern Wisconsin in order to surprise her on the morning of her 80th birthday. After the shock of the surprise wore off, a good time was had by all. We ate sumptuously, played games, told stories and laughed until we hurt. It was nice to have Mike and Lori join us for an evening, and to meet the parade of friends who stopped by to wish Mom a “happy birthday”.  And, I witnessed again an individual who still lives with the belief that “every day is a gift.” Despite the various insults of aging (Grant likes to say “getting old isn’t for sissies”) Mom and Grant soldier on and find pleasure each and every day…in the company of friends and each other.  In the great adventure of life, they have well and truly seized the carp. Well done Mom! I love you! (BTW: I still know you all cheated at 3-13…just saying).

Every parent’s goal…embarrass the kids with a public display of affection. Strong work Mom!


6 thoughts on “80 Years of Living Large

  1. Jule Henry

    Hey Dave, you and your sister’s coming for your mama’s 80th was one of the sweetest things ever. She is still talking about it. What a nice surprise! Loved reading your blog . I agree with Grant, you are a pretty good writer. It was very nice seeing you all.

    1. kbgeardave@gmail.com

      Thanks Jule – it was a pleasure meeting you. It was also heartening to see that Mom has so many wonderful friends. There was a steady stream of visits and phone calls all day. What’s the line from “Its a Wonderful Life”…No one is a failure who has friends! I’m glad we were able to help celebrate!

  2. Sandy Jackson

    Love your post-it really was a wonderful celebration of Mom’s 80th. So glad it went off without a hitch! Thoroughly enjoyed it all and will cherish the memories.

  3. Jeanette Cummings

    Just read your most recent blog, read it to Grant and his response was:” He’s a pretty good writer”! High praise indeed! It was beautifully written and much appreciated! We all did have a wonderful time. Still wondering how you will top this when I turn 90!!!
    Love you so much!

  4. Blair Jackson

    Impressed with your clarity of expression, economy of words and overall command of the English language Mr. Perbene (honors designation from the Seminary). Glad lovely bride showed me your blog.

    Your mom is among the more loving and lovable people in my circle & is as my own So glad we were able to pull it off. The butt flattening drive out and back was well worth the look on her face when you walked into the dining room. And your pizza making skills have become dramatically more refined and delicious since those early Milwaukee pies (and the pizza then was delish).

    1. kbgeardave@gmail.com

      You’re too kind…although is that really possible?? Thanks – I appreciate it. I’m glad we were all able to get together. Great fun. And as a life long LOVER of seafood in a family of non-seafood eaters (or food Nazis as I like to call them) I really appreciated your shrimp extravaganza. Life is good my friend.

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