2001 marked an exciting new chapter in our lives when a job change brought us to Flagstaff. Not only did a move to the southwest open up more opportunities for adventure, it introduced us to a whole new circle of active friends. Since this and the previous post are all about some of the people who have been part of our adventures, here’s a little background on just a few of our old and new companions.
“We are not relations, sir.” -Forrest Gump.
“Dan Boss” and I went to high school together. Since our college days we’ve been roaming the world together on countless adventures. Phil “Yard Sale” is also a regular companion, from our earliest frozen Boundary Water trips to the present.
Joel and Alison. Joel and I also attended high school together. These two are a real “power” couple. Alison has high pointed every state …yes, that also means Denali. 0% body fat Joel gets asked if has calf implants. Huh? We’ve combined forces for some amazing adventures…Wind River range, Nepal, Rainier, Grand Canyon, etc.
Dan Boss somehow managed to pull together a trekking trip to Nepal in 2012. That was a perfect opprtunity to blend old friends, and create new friendships with Cailie “The Gnome Princess“, husband “Handsome Rob“, Andrew and Allison (who remained behind with the young ‘uns.)
Work brought us together with Karen “I never met an adventure I didn’t like“(left) and Jeannette (our newly ‘adopted’ daughter). In the middle is Heather, good friend of Cailie (and now ours as well) .
Heather, Sander and Jeannette. Sander (from the Netherlands) was six weeks into a southwest bike tour when we gave him a ride from Kayenta to Flagstaff. He joined us for a trip into the Canyon. Given the company, he thought he had died and gone to heaven
“FloJo” and “White Stallion” on the JMT. We met Michelle shortly after moving to Flag. We were thrilled several years later when these two wonderful people tied the knot.
Co-workers K-Bart and Allison. Yes, Allison really is that cheerful. If she wasn’t so nice it probably would be annoying.
Co-worker Glenn moved here from Maine less than a year ago. In that short time she apparently knows everybody and seems to have explored everywhere. Strong work!
Going through photos for this post, it is amazing to us how many different trips we’ve taken, and how many different people have combined to make those trips so enjoyable. It has also been interesting and fun to see how often we’ve reshuffled the friends deck and come up with different combinations of friends on different trips. Sharon and I love spending time together, and we are incredibly compatible when it comes to likes/dislikes/capability/etc. Adding another person/people to the mix always has the potential to the change the dynamic in uncomfortable ways. Looking back at the trips through the years, these folks have always added to our enjoyment.
These pictures by no means an exhaustive list of either friends or the good times we’ve had with them. Sharon and count ourselves incredibly blessed to have not just “acqaintances” but so many true friends. Here’s a big shout out and thank you to all the folks who enrich our lives. Every mutual fund advert comes with the warning that past performance does not guarantee future returns. When it comes to friends I’m going to disagree. I would say past performance is a pretty good indicator of what will happen. I am looking forward to more good times with old and hopefully, lots of new friends.